Salam... Ritok mok kakar sarawak ka kakar omputeh ooo? Kejap2.. Gik pikir lok... mmmmmm..
Haha.. Ok.. Sure there's blogger out there don't understand if I'm writing in bahasa Sarawak.. English it will be.. hihi.. Today's such a great day.. Good day to sleep.. haha.. Nah, too much sleep will cause the time wasted..
Hookah VS Cigarettes.. Opsss.. Who knows about hookah? Somebody raise ur hand.. And! Nobody raise their hands.. haha.. Hookah actually is a water pipe that cool the smoke.. The tobacco smoked is referred to as sisha(seesha).. LINK. What the difference is u can see at the pic below..
Hookah a.k.a Seesha.
Jenama Bukit DUN. haha..
The tobacco are burnt in a small bowl and place in between the top of the seesha. At top, small amount of coal will be burn. Before that one must fit the bowl with windscreen to hold the coal from wind that will cause high temperature burning of tobacco and preventing ashes from amber or the coal to surrounding areas.. Enough of the info about seesha.. Between smoking cigarettes and seesha their is no less at all in consuming the smoke.. haha.. So, basically its just the same. But nowadays the tobacco used in seesha are made from fruits and other flavor to reduce the tar and nicotine in tobacco smoke..
I like the banana flavor.. Second best flavor is strawberry and the third will be honey dew.. hihii.. Cause and effects are well known.. No need to argue.. haha.. Research have been done.. But I found that smoking seesha is more relaxing because the excessive smoke is odorless because it has been cooled with water. Thats all from me rite now.. Till then.. Adios Muchachos.. Salam...
ak penah rasa syisya perisa epal dlu..mmg best..haha
pendek kata, katakan tidak.. hehe lariksss
berasap.. msti bahaya nye~
macam ney mok molah seesha dikpun owh XD
jauhi rokok yang sangat nikmat itu.. ehehe
owh..ktk suka meracun diri juak rupa-rupanya
ya shisa nak? classmet kmk suka makan benda ya..nyaman ka..
Nyaman benda ya... strawberry nyaman, mun x biasa jgn coba... klk hang ;-P
sedot sampai meninggal..LOL
kepada BudakPenjara,
Tak pernah rasa lagi perisa epal..
kepada Ardini,
Tidak kepada DADAH.. Yeeppp.. Saya setuju.. hoho..
kepada Saiazuan,
Haha.. Bahaya mmg bahaya.. haha...
kepada Khairunnisa,
Aihhh.. Molah seesha dikpun? Mksud ktk? Tembakau k seesha ka ataupun arangnya?
kepada Gen2Merah,
Tengah menjauhi sekarang nie.. haha..
kepada Axuerha,
Haha.. Sik perlu mintak tolong orang lain gik.. haha..
kepada CikWawaGuana,
Makan? Lihai juak kawan ktk ya.. Bagi yang sik merokok sik digalakkan mencoba...
kepada Ms Tikots,
Haha.. Setuju2..
kepada Sooouuurrrr,
Mak aihhh.. Dasyat... haha..
tak pernah try dan tak akan try..*_*
ingin eh mek nk berseesha ya koh. hahaha. statement mek lok...kehkehkeh. xda bh...kidding! :P
yang pasti method sama SEDUT heheh
eh.kawan kmk diuplod gik gambarnya mgisap ya..nyaman ka??pelik jak..
kepada Bui,
Bagus2.. haha..
kepada PuteriSaljuMerah,
Haha... Jangan ehhss..
kepada c'axoera,
Haha.. Sama jugak hasilnya.. haha..
kepada CikWawaGuana,
Aaaa... Boleh la.. Sebabnya pelbagai perisa...
xyah sedut asap wei..membazir...
kepada Sooouurrrr,
Haha.. Tengah nak berhenti nie bro...
Haha..xlayan.tau la kalau seesha tu.
Thanks 4 ur wish.mir buat vlog!
kmk sampey nektok asa pelik ngga shesha koh.. xtauk pahal.. hahaha
kepada HanieDewTheDew,
Buat vlog? Malu lerr.. Nanti saya suruh anak buah saya pengganti saya boleh?!
kepada EvaAmoiRomina,
Aihhh.. Pa dimeijin ktk? haha..
best eh shisha. suk aih. hehe. tp ku salu rah little lebanon. bok ada rasa arab dikit. kdg2 sidak mukak lagu arab. yah. layannn
kepada mr Abs,
Haha.. Aok.. Sia pernah juak ncoba.. Dolok time keja d KL berbeli juak dengan tabung seesha koatan addict ngn benda ya... haha..
macam shi sha ja..
kepada BingkaiLensa,
Yepp.. Sama la tu.. hihi..
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